Kuwait invite bid for consultancy Services of Drilling Projects

Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) invites the bids for consultancy services of Offshore and on land drilling projects.

The Scope of Work includes provision of Technical Consultancy Services in offshore and on land drilling including all necessary manpower, material, tools, computer software, equipment and other miscellaneous associated facilities in order to provide the Services.

The well depths of on-land wells range from 5,000 ft. to 25,000 ft. and offshore wells range from 14,500 ft to 22,000 ft.

The wells cover both normally pressured and HPHT zones with presence of 10% H2S for the deeper zones, and the locations could be in environmentally sensitive areas.

KOC intends to commence offshore drilling operations by drilling series of exploratory wells in offshore area of Kuwait to investigate the hydrocarbon potential of the formations.

The Contract Period will be for four (4) years starting from the Date for Commencement.

As per the notification, Interested Companies may obtain Tender against non-refundable payment of KWD 1000 (USD 3269).

Bidders need to submit the bid security of KWD 50,000 along with their proposals.

At present bid submission date is 11 January 2021.

Read Also: Kuwait invite bid for consultancy services of water projects


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