Siemens secured $18.2million contract for 400kV Substation expansion in Bahrain

Electricity and Water Authority, EWA Bahrain awarded the project Um AlHassam 400kV Grid Substation expansion.

The Project has been awarded to Germany firm, Siemens. The value of signed contract is BHD 6,844,666 (USD 18,203,899)

This scope of work comprises extension of 400kV & 220kV GIS Switchgear at Um Al Hassam 400kV Grid Substation.

It also includes control, metering, protection, auxiliary power supply requirements and all other equipment and facilities necessary to complete the Works in all respects to enable connection of the additional Transformer (IBT No.4).

Implementation of civil and building works, soil investigation, excavations, backfill and foundations/bays for transformer and reactor are part of the project.

EWA received the bidder proposal during June 2020 (read more)


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